Archive services for artists

Whether you're looking towards retirement or starting your career with legacy in mind, Elizabeth can help you design your archives as a legacy-crafting tool that works for you as you continue to practice your craft and establish relationships with potential future repositories.

Media management
We all struggle with both our physical and digital objects from time to time. Elizabeth can help you determine a set of management tools and schedules that work with how you already operate to track your paperwork, digital files, project planning, artwork inventories, and more.

Workflow for working archives
If your archive is inaccessible to you, then it's hard to use it efficiently or to leverage it as the powerful tool it is. Elizabeth aims to make your archive a seamless (or at least not distracting) part of your workflow as you operate through your week.
Check out these blog posts for more on what an archive is and how it can make your life as a maker easier.
Since 2020 creating for you.
RRP is eager to help you get what you need from your archive.